There are numerous places, both in print and online, where wise words on writing are available including: Top 10 tips for being a successful poet by Andrew Motion and The Invisible College by Dr Cathy Fitzgerald on BBC Radio 4.
Poethead is an excellent archive of poets, editors and translators - the creation of Christine Murray.
One of the best places in Ireland (in the world?) to hear the words and voices of other poets is at Ó Bhéal in Cork.
Irish Poetry Reading Archive, University College Dublin Special Collections
Poethead is an excellent archive of poets, editors and translators - the creation of Christine Murray.
One of the best places in Ireland (in the world?) to hear the words and voices of other poets is at Ó Bhéal in Cork.
Irish Poetry Reading Archive, University College Dublin Special Collections
THE BEAUTY WE LOVE a superb listing of some beautiful poems.
Poetry Journals, in print, where my work has been published include:
Southword, Munster Literature Centre; Editor: Patrick Cotter
DREICH, [Season 5 Number 2], Hybriddreich Ltd., Editor: Jack Caradoc
The Frogmore Papers, [No.100], The Frogmore Press, Editor: Jeremy Page [includes a poem by Simon Armitage, Poet Laureate]
Agenda 55 Stepping Stones; Editor: Patricia McCarthy