Tuesday, 16 April 2024

Cork launch of 'The Risen Tree'


[more pics to follow]

Thanks to Patricia Looney, Thomas Talbot, and all the staff at the Cork City Library, Grand Parade. It was a privilege to launch 'The Risen Tree' in this beautiful and historic building.
Thanks to my publisher, Revival Press, an imprint of the @limerickwriterscentre

It was a bittersweet day in that my poet friend and editor, Dr. Casey Jarrin, was unable to be with me but her insightful appraisal and introduction for the launch of 'The Risen Tree', was delivered to a warm audience by the multifaceted performing artist and songwriter, Ivy Favier, who like Casey hails from the U.S.

This was a special day for me and for 'The Risen Tree', and it was made all the sweeter for having the support of my family, friends, and fellow writers.

A special thanks to Ian McDonagh, @corkcountycouncil Library & Arts Service and to @corkcityarts, to Patrick Cotter & James O'Leary of the @munsterliteraturecentre and Paul Casey of @obheal

And to all of the approximately 70 people who joined to celebrate with me...musicians, writers, dancers and all sorts of interesting human beings from near and far.

Thanks to John Louis, Ines, and my dear beloved John Philip Murray.
Thanks, @ineshairstylist, for this reel

'The Risen Tree' is available to order from Revival Press